fimmtudagur, 20. ágúst 2015

How to Start a Startup

My name is Agnes and I started this blog as a part of an assignment in one of my master's classes in Reykjavik University. Since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a powerful business woman and own my own company. I got really excited when I saw that one of the courses that I could take was named How to Start a Startup, I thought this is my chance to think outside of the box and challenge myself. It did not hurt that Bala Murugan Kamallakharan was the lecturer. For you that do not know him he is an entrepreneur with great experience when it comes to startups and mentoring, you should google him.
A little bit about myself. I decided to go and take my bachelor degree following the global financial crisis in 2008, as I knew I needed to get an education to be competitive in the market. I chose a degree in business at Reykjavik University, emphasizing on finance. You may think, why business, didn’t Iceland have enough of unemployed business people? Yes that is true but I had the feeling that I could learn from the mistakes others had made. I always wanted to be a business woman and I was not going to make one crash crush my dream. Throughout my studies I constantly reminded myself that I wanted to get as much as I could out of each program. To increase my chances of landing a job when I graduated I decided to do an internship with KPMG advisory in my second last semester. When the internship was over KPMG offered me a job. In my last semester I wrote my final theses along with working full time at KPMG advisory and graduated in the spring of 2012.
In the autumn of 2014 I decided to go and finish my master’s degree in corporate finance. I thought it would be good to get some work experience before continuing my studies. Now I highly recommended it as my understanding of the course materials is much deeper now than before and I get more out of the courses I take. I love to keep busy and I decided to go for a full-time study along with a full-time job at KPMG advisory. The upside is that I will graduate at end of year 2015, so the extremely high work load is only for a short period of time.
What’s next? That is for me to know and for you to find out. I intend to posts weekly, sharing with you my journey to excellence.

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